Clarus Dental

How is Treating Periodontal Disease Linked to Controlling Blood Sugar Levels?

blood sugar levels

Consequently, people with diabetes need to treat periodontal disease to eliminate the infection for optimal metabolic control. Periodontal disease is a leading complication of diabetes; therefore, people with diabetes need to know their treatment options. If detected early, a periodontist can provide treatment that can stop the gum disease and bring the gums back to a state of health, preventing additional bone or tooth loss.

The periodontal treatment has been shown to improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, suggesting that treating patients’ periodontal disease could decrease insulin requirements. If diabetes is well controlled, treatment will be similar to the treatment of someone who doesn’t have diabetes. In the early stages of gum disease, treatment usually includes scaling and root planning, a procedure in which plaque and tartar are removed from the pockets around the tooth and near the gums.

Home care with regular brushing and flossing will help keep periodontal disease under control. People with diabetes may want to schedule their dental appointments early in the morning after they have eaten a normal breakfast to stabilize and prevent a severe or sudden drop in blood sugar levels. Upon determining a treatment plan, your Periodontist and physician will work together to help you control both your diabetes and gum disease.

Reference: American Academy of Periodontal patient outreach program.


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