Clarus Dental

periodontist pune


The Main Oral Problem in Adults


The Main Oral Problem in Adults

Besides cavities, gum disease is the main oral problem in adults. It is an inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of the supporting tissues around one or more teeth. This inflammation of the gums is mainly caused by the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar. These illnesses affect the bones that support the teeth and can ultimately lead to tooth loss.

At the onset of the disease, periodontitis or periodontitis only affects the gums. Bleeding may occur when brushing the gums, but the symptoms are barely noticeable. As the inflammation spreads and reaches the bones, the stressing tissue gradually separates from the teeth, deepening the space between the chewing gum and the teeth, causing the teeth to move and pull up (the teeth look larger, longer). The disease progresses to a more advanced stage and turns into periodontitis which is an inflammation of the supporting tissues, including the gums and bones. If you are looking for a Periodontal Surgeon, you are at the right place.

CLARUS DENTAL focuses on the optimal results of periodontal treatment in a calm environment.

Three Stages of Periodontitis

Periodontitis has three stages: beginner (or mild), moderate, and advanced. Accumulation of plaque is the main reason for periodontal disease. Over time, the minerals in saliva classify plaque and turn it into tartar. This hard substance cannot be removed with a toothbrush or dental floss and must be scaled by the Periodontist in Pune. Over time, plaque and tartar cause an inflammatory response in the supporting tissue. This is when the periodontal disease begins. If the disease progresses without treatment, one or more teeth may be lost, or the infection (abscess) may recur.


With the help of careful examination of the x-rays and gums, our Periodontal Clinic in Pune can make an early diagnosis that will prevent you from future complications.

In fact, our dentist makes a diagnosis by detecting bleeding and the presence of periodontal pockets due to loss of gum attachment around the teeth (the gap between the gums) and the extent of the Bone loss by X-ray. The bacteriological examination is also part of our clinical periodontal examination. The main causes of periodontitis are poor oral hygiene, the presence of tartar, smoking, and certain systemic disorders. If you want to approach us for your periodontal care, search google with Periodontal Care Near Me.


At home, you should regularly check your gums for the following signs and symptoms of periodontal disease:

  • Bleeding gums with every brushing or dental floss

  • Change in gum color

  • Glossy, swollen, or painful gums

  • Persistent bad breath

  • The taste of metal in the mouth.

In adults, periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss. Fortunately, in most cases, these diseases can be reversibly prevented or treated at an early stage. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to gum abscesses, painful infections of the gum gap between the teeth and gums, which can lead to tooth loss. Go online and search for a Dental Clinic Near Me to reach us.


The best treatments for the onset of the disease are:

  • Cleaning by your Best Dentist in Pune  or hygienist will remove the tartar build-up;

  • Brushing teeth twice a day to remove plaque is associated with the careful use of dental floss.

  • Daily use of a mouthwash appropriate for your situation.

At our Periodontal Dental Care center, laser therapy is used as a therapeutic adjunct in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. This is a non-surgical technique that disinfects and detoxifies the gums in order to reduce inflammation. In addition, the laser activates blood circulation and improves the efficiency of healing. After three months of home care, a reassessment is carried out to ensure the state of health of the gums and supporting bone. We then decide to maintain home care with dental follow-up every three months, or the surgical option is considered, depending on the situation.

Often painless, the early stages of periodontitis show few symptoms. The disease is usually discussed when a person sees their dentist. A periodontal examination is then recommended, and treatments are planned.

Our Commitment to You

Our Dental Clinic in Pune Provides high-quality periodontal and implant care in secure, state-of-the-art facilities.

Experienced Experts:  Our staff are made up of caring and dedicated professionals who are ready to answer any questions

Patient Education: Our Periodontal Care Center Strives to educate our patients about their condition and provide them with treatment options.

Trust Techniques:  With advanced technology combined with reliable methods, we can improve your smile

Decided to contact us for your periodontal care? Search google for the Top-rated Dental Clinic Nearby.