Clarus Dental


restorative dentist

What Is Reconstructive Dentistry?

How do you care about the health of your teeth and mouth? Visiting the dentist twice a year is important and following good oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing is paramount. Some people do not pay attention for the duration of their lives and reconstructive dentistry helps us to fix the problems caused by neglect. From a simple toothache to minor problems, our team has the tools necessary to help.

Dental procedures that replace teeth that disappear, damage teeth, treat mouth ailments, or seat the jaw well are all aspects of teeth reorientation. Some find that they require the use of multiple procedures to repair the damage done. This would be referred to as full-mouth restoration. If you are looking for a reconstructive dentist in Pune, Clarus Dental has the tools and expertise to heal your smile and your health.

The Following Procedures Are Part Of Recurring Dentistry:

Oral surgery – This includes tooth extractions, root canal therapy, and tissue grafting.

TMD Treatment – This includes any procedure to deal with temporomandibular joints or bites.

Cosmetic Dentistry – This includes dental bonding, whitening, veneers, and gum contouring.

Implants – This replaces missing teeth in the mouth.

Restorative treatment – This includes filler, inlays, onlays, dental crowns, and bridges.

Orthodontics – This includes metal braces, retainers, and Invisalign.

Bruxism – This includes therapy to prevent teeth grinding and to correct the issues caused by it.

Periodontal Treatment – This includes scaling, root planing, and periodontal surgery.

Innovations in dental care have come a long way. We use state-of-the-art technology to perform recurring dentistry and with the help of 3D scanning systems, lasers, and more, these procedures are easier and less painful than ever.


If you think reconstructive dentistry is what you need, it is important to make an appointment immediately. These issues can be treated, but you want to deal with them as soon as possible. Do not wait until the situation worsens. Call your reconstructive dentist at  020 41215930 Pune today.

Clarus Dental is a highly regarded specialist for reconstructive dentistry in Pune, India. Because the quality of their work is so high, they usually have patients who come from far away so they can experience the excellent quality they provide. Whether you need operative dentistry, regenerative dentistry anywhere in Pune, India, or surrounding areas, give us a call and we will schedule a consultation program for you.
