Clarus Dental


Full mouth rehabilitation

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation In Pune

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation is not a single dental treatment. Rather, it is a variety of treatments and procedures performed over time, and all are focused on getting and keeping your mouth healthy. DR. NEEL BHATAVADEKAR will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses problems, such as tooth deterioration, absent teeth, pain, misalignment, infection, and more. Once your full-mouth rehabilitation is complete, you will enjoy better oral health, feel better, and even have a more attractive smile.

How Do You Know If You Need Full-Mouth Rehabilitation? Take A Look At Some Of The Most Common Signs Below.

1.You Have Teeth That Are Worn Down.

Everyone’s teeth diminish with age. Your teeth are hard, but they are not indestructible. Daily chewing will take its toll at the end of years, but it is not normal to have teeth that are excessively worn or painful. Many factors can cause premature wear of your teeth, including bruxism (or teeth grinding); By eating very hard foods or crunching; And, dental deformity.

Excessively worn teeth can eventually lead to incorrectly biting pulp infections and other serious issues inside your teeth. DR. NEEL BHATAVADEKAR can help with these problems through full-mouth rehabilitation. Your rehabilitation may include crown placement, root canal or extraction, and replacement depending on your personal condition.

Poorly worn teeth may not be sensitive or painful. If your teeth are severely eroded, you may also be unable to determine by your own visual inspection. These reasons emphasize the importance of visiting the Clarus Dental Clinic at least every six months for a professional examination and to monitor their oral health status.

2. You Have Certain Types Of Chronic Pain.

Do you feel constant jaw pain or fatigue in your jaw muscles? Do you experience headaches – especially on the sides of your head? If so, you may experience temporomandibular disorder (TMD) – for problems with your temporomandibular, or jaw, joints (TMJ).

Your TMJ can cause inflammation, irritability, or even arthritis due to several reasons, such as teeth grinding or congenital problems. TMD is more than just painful. This condition can negatively affect your bite alignment, as well as your ability to move your jaw freely.

Night splints, orthodontic correction, and other treatments can help resolve TMD. DR. NEEL BHATAVADEKAR is experienced in treating the condition and can offer appropriate full-mouth rehabilitation to address both your symptoms and the underlying cause.

3. You Are Missing Teeth.

Millions of Indians are missing one or more of their natural teeth. Due to injury or illness, you do not have to live with missing teeth. Modern dental treatments provide you with many options for effective tooth replacement.

DR. NEEL BHATAVADEKAR can provide you with an attractive bridge, with partial dentures, or with dental implants. In fact, dental implants are one of the best options for smile restoration because they are permanent, durable, and indistinguishable from their natural teeth. Dental implants can easily last a lifetime and will provide you with a desirable, functional smile.

4. You Have Experienced Dental Trauma.

Life is unpredictable, and an accident, sports injury, or other traumatic events can leave your teeth with damage. Whether your tooth is knocked out, chipped, or taken out of proper alignment, full-mouth rehabilitation can help. Dental treatment can repair teeth, replace lost teeth, and return teeth to the correct alignment. Dental tasks such as the crown, bridge, implant, and orthodontics not only restore your once-beautiful smile but also help ensure that you have an ideal bite, with pain-free speaking and chewing.

5. You Have Severe Gum Disease.

Gum disease is an epidemic in India, and many patients are unaware that they are suffering from the condition. Advanced gum disease contributes to tooth loss, oral infections, and even systemic health conditions such as diabetes and sepsis. For these reasons, Clarus Dental examines all its patients for signs of active gum disease and other periodontal issues.

If you have mouth ulcers, bleeding, or gingivitis, or boils, you may have some gum disease. If so, your full-mouth rehabilitation must first incorporate periodontal treatment to control the disease and ensure the health of your teeth and gums. These treatments may include scaling and root planning or laser therapy. Once the professionals at Clarus Dental Clinic have successfully treated your gum disease, you will be able to proceed with any other necessary dental procedures to enjoy the best in whole mouth health.
