Aesthetic Inlays
The dental inlay is a reconstruction technique made to replace a part of dental tissue lost following caries or a traumatic event. The inlay is made with different composite materials that have the same tooth color and ceramic. The inlay protects the tooth making it more resistant and allows it to recover its aesthetics and chewing function.
Ceramic Veneers
More recently, veneers have been introduced, thin ceramic plates cemented to the surface of the teeth, a solution that is very respectful of dental tissues.
Ceramic is the most biocompatible, long-lasting, and most similar to a natural tooth material. An evolution of traditional veneers is represented by veneers “without preparation” or “fragments” of ceramic, where the tooth is not touched and only a very thin fragment of ceramic is cemented to modify its shape.
With the currently available techniques of cosmetic dentistry, it is possible to intervene where there are teeth that are no longer aligned, damaged, or that have lost their natural enamel, without having to remove all the dental tissue thanks to minimally aggressive techniques and with stable results over time.